Time : 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Date : December 2, 2010
Place : 1552 21st Ave., San Francisco, CA 94122
Ko Wai Phyo
Ma Thin Wit Yee
Ko Kyaw Min Oo
Ko Nay Lin
Ko Hpyo Wai Hpyo
Ko Kyaw Kyaw Soe
Ko Kyaw Lin Htat
Ma Su Wai
Rick Heizman
Ko Zarni Tun (Phone)
Ma Mindy Khoo (Phone)
All the BODs realized that it is better to postpone the election later February due to the event planning for community center fund-raising activity.
Ko Kyaw Kyaw Soe, Ko Hpyo Wai Hpyo, Ko Kyaw Lin Htat and Ko Kyaw Min Oo talked about how the fair will be held in Oakland. Everyone who attended the meeting agreed Kyaw Kyaw Soe to lead and work with the event coordinator at the fair on December 4, 2010.
Since the PHB event is too close for BYA to participate with men power, BODs decided to donate some funding for the event. Ma Thin Wit Yee collected $100.00 donations for now from the group who were at the meeting and BODs suggested having more donations from BYA members before the event on December 12, 2010. If people wish to donate, please contact or e-mail to Ma Thin Wit Yee.
BYA treasure Ma Thin Wit Yee presented how to go about getting 501(c)3 status step by step and she guided how to go about. Ko Kyaw Min Oo will type inquire for updating event info input from BODs whoever remember the detail info on BYA event participation.
Ko Zarni Tun will work with the committee to pick on the meeting time, date, and place with the group that was recognized the last meeting in Fremont.
New Business
- Follow up with community center effort working with other leaders. Ko Kyaw Min Oo will be collecting donation for SFSU Southeast Asian Conference event in 3.11.2011 and will sent link to the BYA members.
Agenda for Next Meeting
No one has chance to propose an agenda item but for more detail discussion on community center effort. Youth Exchange Program (Ko Zarni Tun). Next Year BYA Activities Calendar will need to carry on discussion for upcoming meeting.